Categories for Healthy Elders

In-home Care in Los Angeles: Estate Questions

January 30, 2014
In-home Care Los Angeles Will Trust

Considering Wills and Trusts with In-home Care in Los Angeles If your loved one is elderly and in need of in-home care in Los Angeles, you have probably already helped him or her establish a will/trust to govern the distribution of the estate. If you took care of those details a long time ago, congratulations for not procrastinating! However, it may be time to make another visit to the lawyer’s office and review that important document to make sure it is up to date. Life Changes When you look back, you may be surprised at just how many changes have... View Article

When Should In-home Caregivers near Los Angeles Do the Driving?

January 23, 2014
In-home Caregivers Los Angeles Driving Restrictions

In-home Caregivers near Los Angeles Consider Senior Driving There are few conversations more uncomfortable than the one about giving up the car keys. In-home caregivers near Los Angeles are always available to drive seniors to their appointments around town, but many of those seniors want to retain their independence as long as possible. Losing the ability to run to the drugstore alone or to meet up with friends for lunch feels like a major loss, but at some point it becomes necessary for safety’s sake. How Old is Too Old? It would be easy if there was a universally designated... View Article

New Year’s Resolutions for Caregivers near Los Angeles

January 2, 2014
Caregivers Los Angeles Rest Resolutions

Caregivers near Los Angeles Should Resolve to Rest, Organize, and Delegate Many New Year’s resolutions are about working harder. We resolve to lose more weight, spruce up the house, get ahead at work, and learn a new language. But family caregivers near Los Angeles should consider some different types of resolutions: decisions to work a little bit less. Setting the following three goals for yourself could make you a more effective caregiver and a happier person! 1. Rest Caring for your aging parent might be your favorite thing to do, but you still need a break from it every once... View Article

How You can Pay for In-home Caregivers in Los Angeles

December 24, 2013
In-home Caregivers Los Angeles Money Saving

Money Thoughts from In-home Caregivers in Los Angeles Most in-home caregivers in Los Angeles love their jobs. They treasure the chance to meet new seniors, spend time with them, and help them remain in their own home instead of moving into a long-term care facility. But it can be difficult to see that so many seniors are inadequately prepared, financially speaking, for the level of care that they need. Why do many of the elderly—even those who saved responsibly for retirement—have trouble making ends meet? What We Think vs. What We Do Many experts believe the failure to plan for... View Article

Oral Health Tips from Caregivers in Los Angeles

December 3, 2013
Caregivers Los Angeles Oral Health

Caregivers in Los Angeles Remind Seniors to Brush and Floss! We teach our children to take care of their teeth and gums from an early age. Most of us brush every day, and some of us use dental floss and mouthwash as well. But for the elderly, taking care of oral health every day is easily forgotten or even impossible for those with decreased grasping ability. Caregivers in Los Angeles are anxious that seniors continue to enjoy healthy teeth and gums for as long as possible. All About Routine One of the keys to healthy teeth is routine. When we... View Article
