Categories for Healthy Elders

Video Games for Elder Care in Los Angeles

October 15, 2013
Elder Care Los Angeles Video Games

Elder Care in Los Angeles Could Boost Multitasking Skills with New Game Admittedly, not many seniors are video game enthusiasts. But with the rise of physically oriented systems like the Nintendo Wii, geriatric health experts have become very interested in the possibility of using games to stimulate aging minds and bodies. A new, simple, laptop-based game has elder care in Los Angeles fascinated with its dramatic initial results. Focusing on Multitasking The aging mind appears to lose its ability to handle multiple tasks at once. This makes it unsafe for many elderly people to cook a meal or drive a... View Article

In-home Caregiver in Los Angeles: Kidney Health

October 3, 2013
In-home Caregiver Los Angeles Kidneys

An In-home Caregiver in Los Angeles Gives Some Pointers on Keeping Kidneys Healthy Your kidneys do a lot to keep your body running properly. Without them, the nutrients you take in would not be regulated, and the slightest imbalance could send you into serious illness or even death. Your kidneys filter out unneeded nutrients (like salt) and even harmful substances (like alcohol), discarding them in the form of urine. Doctors have noticed an increase in poor kidney health among seniors, and newly released study results confirm the fact. Maintaining Healthy Kidneys Most importantly, how can a senior protect their kidneys?... View Article

Assistance for Elderly in Los Angeles: Respect Your Parents!

September 26, 2013
Assistance for Elderly Los Angeles Respect

Assistance for Elderly in Los Angeles Takes a Closer Look at Parent-Child Relationships Many seniors and their adult children settle into a pattern that, while perhaps seeming natural at the time, is not particularly healthy or beneficial in the long run. Thinking harder about this pattern would prompt most adult children to steer things in a more complex, more thoughtful, and more rewarding direction. What is this pattern? It’s the natural inclination of caregiving children to adopt an authoritative, parentlike position in their aging parents’ lives. Why Become a “Parent?” It is very easy for adult children to begin acting... View Article

In-home Care in Los Angeles: New Hearing Loss Research

September 24, 2013
In-home Care Los Angeles Hearing Loss

Exciting Ear Research for In-home Care in Los Angeles If you have a loved one over age 63, there is a one in three chance that they don’t hear as well as they used to. If you think about it, you’ve probably become accustomed to assuming that elderly people have suffered hearing loss: you automatically sit closer and speak more loudly to seniors. Experts with in-home care in Los Angeles have always wondered when science would send hearing loss the way of polio and smallpox, and new research might be an important step in that direction. Protecting and Repairing Mechanisms... View Article

Florida Seniors Help Improve Home Care in Venice

September 19, 2013
Home Care Venice Technology Testing

Home Care in Venice Gets More Technological Forget video games, GPS-enabled smartphones, and Facebook. One of the biggest areas of development in the world of technology is senior care. Smart computer and software company owners are increasingly realizing that with a few customizations, their products can do a lot of good for seniors—and, of course, make them a lot of money at the same time. Recently, an elderly group in Florida served as a test population for devices that promise to take home care in Venice to the next level technologically. Trying Out Tools When designing high-tech devices to keep... View Article
