Categories for Healthy Elders

Assistance for Elderly near Los Angeles: Listen to Your Parents!

November 28, 2013
Assistance for Elderly Los Angeles Respecting Seniors

A Reminder from Assistance for Elderly near Los Angeles About Elderly Wisdom The adult children of elderly parents have a tough balance to strike: They want their parents to be able to enjoy their privacy and independence, but they also recognize that safety requires a high level of involvement on the part of family members. In the hectic pace that most of us maintain with work, children, and senior parents, we can temporarily forget just who our parents really are. Assistance for elderly near Los Angeles encourages you to take a deep breath and just reminisce for a moment about... View Article

Home Care in Los Angeles: Music Builds the Brain!

November 19, 2013
Home Care Los Angeles Music Lessons

Music Research News from Home Care in Los Angeles While scientists are working hard to peer into the physical properties of the brain itself, identifying the deposits that may cause Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, other experts take a different approach to keeping the brain strong. Going on the premise that the brain operates like a muscle, they advise us to keep up with activities that exercise it. Working in home care in Los Angeles, we see frequent statistics claiming that engaging in complex thought processes actually strengthens the brain against decay and cognitive decline. Is Music the Ultimate Workout? A... View Article

In-home Caregiver in Los Angeles: Beating Anemia with Iron

November 5, 2013
In-home Caregiver Los Angeles Iron Deficiency

The In-home Caregiver in Los Angeles Recommends Iron for Seniors If your elderly loved one is showing signs of slowing down—irritability, lack of energy, more frequent sicknesses, even reduced cognitive ability—you might be running through the most dramatic possible scenarios in your mind. Is it Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancer, or some other life-threatening illness? Before you jump to the worst conclusions, the in-home caregiver in Los Angeles would like you to consider a common and far less serious cause: iron deficiency. What Iron Does for Us Iron plays a very important role in the body: it gives blood the ability... View Article

Caregivers near Los Angeles: Maintaining Seniors’ Homes

October 31, 2013
Caregivers Los Angeles Home Maintenance

Caregivers near Los Angeles Ask About Regular Home Maintenance If you are a homeowner, you are familiar with the many requirements of home maintenance. Perhaps you are the kind of person who dutifully checks furnace filters and pressure washes the house at regular intervals. Even if you aren’t, though, you know that there are certain features of your home that you can only neglect for so long until they break down. When your electrical wiring, appliances, air conditioner, water heater, plumbing, or other systems give out, you suddenly remember the regular maintenance that you didn’t perform. Caregivers near Los Angeles... View Article

Home Care near Los Angeles: Flu News

October 17, 2013
Home Care Los Angeles Flu Shots

Flu Research Will Benefit Seniors Under Home Care near Los Angeles Influenza is no longer the widespread, deadly threat that it was early in the previous century, but it still poses a danger to the weakest members of society: infants and the elderly. The development of more effective vaccines is at the forefront of doctors’ efforts against the flu, and a new experiment provides an encouraging measure of success in that area. Higher Dosage Yields Greater Results Seniors under home care near Los Angeles should consider regular flu shots a standard part of their medical care. For some time, doctors... View Article
