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Writing about Dementia

March 27, 2014
Home Care Los Angeles Dementia Essay

Home Care in Los Angeles Notes the Complexity of Dementia’s Development There are few life changes that confuse, frighten, and anger us as much as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. So many of us have watched, helpless, as our loved ones gradually lost their battles with these mysterious diseases, wondering how much they actually understood about what was happening to them. This week, home care in Los Angeles learned about a highly unusual essay, written by a college department head who decided to write about her own decline into dementia as long as she could. Already Experienced with Dementia The college... View Article

Eat Your Protein, Dad

March 18, 2014
Elderly Parents Los Angeles Protein Needs

Elderly Parents near Los Angeles Need More Protein Do you find it hard to keep up with the latest and greatest dietary recommendations? Even if you exclude fad diets, it seems there is always a new story about the unknown virtues of a certain food—or its hidden dangers. Is caffeine good for you? What cholesterol is good and what is bad? And do you really know what omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants are? Here is a simple recommendation for elderly parents near Los Angeles: Eat more protein! Cut Back Until Age 65 In general, U.S. citizens get a protein-heavy diet.... View Article

Employer Discrimination Against Family Caregivers near Los Angeles

March 11, 2014
Caregivers Los Angeles Employer Discrimination

Caregivers near Los Angeles may Get Protection from Lawmakers The term “sandwich generation” refers to those who feel sandwiched in between two major responsibilities: raising their own children and caring for their senior parents. The majority of people in the sandwich generation have another major pressure as well—their careers. Lawmakers in various states across the country have recognized that employers can be tempted to discriminate against these family caregivers near Los Angeles, anticipating that their attention may be too divided to do their jobs well. Misunderstanding Caregiving A hiring manager who hears that an applicant is a mother of two... View Article

Elder Care in Los Angeles Celebrates a Cute Couple

February 20, 2014
Elder Care Los Angeles Remarried Couple

Elder Care in Los Angeles Can’t Imagine a Nicer Story Than This There are plenty of senior couples who feel that the best experiences of their lives are behind them. Perhaps feeling slowed down by physical weakness or even cognitive decay, they recognize that it is time to spend more time resting and reminiscing and less time trying new things. But elder care in Los Angeles also sees elderly couples who defy this trend—just consider this story from St. Joseph, Missouri. Discovering New Love and Art Together The Watsons got married two years ago, but each of them already had... View Article

“Walk Talk” with Senior Care near Los Angeles

February 18, 2014
Senior Care Los Angeles Walking Device

Senior Care near Los Angeles: Device Measures Fall Risk Taking a single step is an incredibly complex activity, no matter how simple it seems. The muscles in your foot, leg, and back all work to move your body forward, while the rest of the body makes slight adjustments to keep you upright throughout the step. As senior care near Los Angeles knows all too well, the aging body loses its ability to accomplish these tasks safely. A new invention will help seniors determine whether they need help avoiding falls while walking. When Do We Need Help? As with driving and... View Article
