Categories for Community Service

Assisted Living Reforms Closer to Becoming Law

April 17, 2014
Elderly Parents Los Angeles Legal Reforms

Laws to Protect Elderly Parents in Los Angeles Advance in Committee There are many elderly parents in Los Angeles who rely on assisted living facility staff members for care every day. When their adult children move them to these facilities, they take a huge step of faith: they trust the staff members to be adequately trained for their responsibilities and to use that training to protect their loved ones. Sadly, that trust is often broken, and the California state legislature is preparing to pass new laws that would impose additional regulation on the assisted living industry to help address the... View Article

Relay For Life

March 19, 2014

American Cancer Society RELAY FOR LIFE Loyla-Marymount University March 29-30, 2014 CarenetLA is planning to participate in the American Cancer Society’s RELAY FOR LIFE event on March 29-30 (see flyer below for details). We invite all CarenetLA employees and clients who have been touched in some way by cancer to come and participate in the 24-hour event (that begins at 12:00 noon on March 29th at Loyola Marymount University). No one has to part with any money! It is just an opportunity for participation by the whole community of people who have cancer in common in some way, affecting either... View Article

In-home Care near Los Angeles: Can You Hear Us Now?

March 4, 2014
In-home Care Los Angeles Specialized Phones

In-home Care near Los Angeles Points You Toward California’s DDTP Those who are in their senior years find that many normal tasks are much more difficult than they used to be. Sadly, one of those tasks is communication over the phone. This is more than simply an inconvenience; in the case of an emergency it can delay critical response time. Fortunately, California officials have recognized the importance of phone access for seniors. Below, in-home care near Los Angeles describes some of the free solutions that are available. Specialized Equipment For seniors who are losing their hearing (or who are completely... View Article

A New Phone Scam Warning from In-home Caregivers in Los Angeles

February 27, 2014
In-home Caregivers Los Angeles Funeral Scam

In-home Caregivers in Los Angeles Inform You about Funeral Scam In the age of Internet communication, we all have to be on our toes more than ever before to protect ourselves from data theft and harmful computer software. This is extremely difficult for seniors who are just getting the hang of using email and finding basic information online. To help you and your loved ones stay safe, here is a warning from in-home caregivers in Los Angeles about the most recent email scam: Catching the Eye of Seniors The currently circulating hoax is a little different from most, in that... View Article

Stepping Out with an In-home Caregiver near Los Angeles

February 13, 2014
In-home Caregiver Los Angeles Social Areas

The In-home Caregiver near Los Angeles Gives Some Activity Ideas You may have seen a recent news story from New York City concerning a group of senior McDonald’s patrons. The management of the restaurant grew frustrated with the group’s all-day visits, which occupied table space and reduced the number of guests that could be served. The in-home caregiver near Los Angeles wonders: Is there a public place anymore where seniors can go to spend quality time with others their own age? For a Price The attraction of McDonald’s to the senior group in New York is its low-priced menu. For... View Article
