Categories for Community Service

Caller ID: Not Always Accurate Any More

July 1, 2014
Senior Care Los Angeles Caller ID

New Phone Scam Warning from Senior Care in Los Angeles Hardly a week goes by that we don’t hear about some new method that scammers have invented. If you keep up with such news, you are likely amazed at the creativity and technological knowledge of these criminals. On one hand, they stay on top of the latest phone security and convenience developments, finding ways to use them to confuse and deceive their victims. On the other hand, they also use their knowledge of human nature—traits like curiosity, compassion, fear, and the desire to get rich quick—to make the most of... View Article

L.A. Events for Seniors

June 17, 2014
In-home Caregiver Los Angeles Senior Citizen Clubs

Out and About with the In-home Caregiver in Los Angeles It is a gross understatement to say that Los Angeles is an exciting place. There is so much to do that even longtime residents of the area haven’t experienced all of the activities it has to offer. Many seniors, though, feel that they have passed the age of getting out into the community, exploring and making memories around L.A. What they don’t realize is just how easy it is to keep up with local activities, although at a slightly different pace and with the help of an in-home caregiver in... View Article

Stay Cool–But Swim Safely

June 10, 2014
Caregivers Los Angeles Swimming Safety

Caregivers in Los Angeles Remind Seniors about Water Safety With another very hot summer upon us in southern California, caregivers in Los Angeles are concerned about helping their elderly clients stay cool, hydrated, and comfortable. Sitting inside the house isn’t always the best answer; a swimming pool can be a great way to benefit from the sunshine and beat the heat at the same time. It also provides much-needed exercise for seniors, keeping their arms and legs strong. Some safety precautions are in order around the pool, though. Restricted Access Even if your senior loved one has loved swimming all... View Article

It Only Takes a Second: Driving Accidents

May 13, 2014
Home Care Los Angeles Driving Mistakes

Let Home Care near Los Angeles Do the Driving The act of driving an automobile is a fascinating balance. On one hand, we become so accustomed to driving that we hardly think about each of the hundreds of choices we make during a routine trip. On the other hand, each of those choices has the potential to hurt ourselves and others if we do the wrong thing. Home care near Los Angeles recommends that you have the dreaded “driving conversation” with your elderly loved one sooner rather than later, especially if there are signs that his concentration may be suffering.... View Article

Los Angeles RELAY FOR LIFE May 17-18, 2014

May 5, 2014
Relay For Life May 17-18 2014

American Cancer Society RELAY FOR LIFE Mira Costa High School 325 South Peck Avenue Manhattan Beach, California 90266  May 17-18, 2014, 10:00 a.m. Saturday – 10:00 a.m. Sunday CarenetLA is planning to participate in the American Cancer Society’s RELAY FOR LIFE event on May 17-18 at Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach (see flyer below for details). We invite all CarenetLA employees and clients who have been touched in some way by cancer to come and participate in the 24-hour event (that begins at 10:00 AM on May 17 at Mira Costa High School). To register, the contact information... View Article
