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Minority Elderly Parents in San Fernando More Likely to be Poor

June 25, 2013
Elderly Parents San Fernando Minority Poverty

Elderly Parents in San Fernando Face Higher Poverty Levels if they are Black or Hispanic A new, wide-ranging research project shows that there is quite a gap between the average income of white seniors and those of black and Hispanic seniors. The study reveals two major facts: first, the greater likelihood that minority elderly parents in San Fernando and through California will live in poverty. Second, the fact that all seniors, no matter what their race, face grave statistics when it comes to financial security in their later years. Poverty Statistics The study identified a senior as “economically vulnerable” if... View Article

Companionship for Elderly near Redondo Beach: Vitamins in Moderation

June 20, 2013
Companionship for Elderly Redondo Beach Vitamins

Companionship for Elderly near Redondo Beach Discuss Vitamins Anyone with an Internet connection can spend many hours gathering health advice, counsel, and warnings from innumerable sources. The trend with many of these sources is to claim to have a secret that will revolutionize your health, whether it’s vitamin C, antioxidants, a little-known berry, or a concoction with exotic-sounding ingredients. But those working in companionship for elderly near Redondo Beach want to caution seniors against jumping on an “alternative medicine” bandwagon. Stick With What You Know As the body enters its later years, it becomes more fragile. That means that it... View Article

In-home Assistance for Elderly in Manhattan Beach: Walking Benefits

June 18, 2013
In-home Assistance for Elderly Manhattan Beach Walking

In-home Assistance for Elderly in Manhattan Beach Can Help Seniors Control Blood Sugar By Walking There’s some good news for seniors who are in danger of developing type 2 diabetes. From the results of a small study, some medical experts advise that short walks immediately following meals greatly help the regulation of blood sugar. Even a very short walk, which most seniors can handle, appears to be quite beneficial. For those that can’t get out of the house easily, in-home assistance for elderly in Manhattan Beach can help. Every Little Bit Helps In a small study (just 10 subjects were... View Article

Caregivers near Los Angeles May Soon Use GPS

June 13, 2013
Caregivers Los Angeles GPS Trackers

Technology Could Help Caregivers near Los Angeles Keep Track of Seniors It’s the situation that every senior’s family has nightmares about: an elderly loved one is nowhere to be found, having wandered from home on their own. Seniors with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia are in great danger of losing themselves, as their minds lead them astray, sometimes into great danger. Today, technology is working hard to develop a solution that will allow family caregivers near Los Angeles and local police to quickly locate missing seniors using GPS trackers. Different Tracker Types In the United States and abroad, law enforcement and... View Article

Home Health Care in Hermosa Beach: Supporting Family Caregivers

June 11, 2013
Home Health Care Hermosa Beach Support Groups

Home Health Care in Hermosa Beach Provides Much-Needed Family Support As more and more Americans began caring for their aging loved ones, health experts noticed that a disturbing trend was developing: increased depression, anxiety, and other negative mental health issues among the family caregivers themselves. In recent years, many efforts have appeared to address these needs, including support groups and professions like home health care in Hermosa Beach. Helping You Mental health professionals warn that it is not healthy for a family member to care for an elderly loved one long-term with little outside support. The grueling nature of providing... View Article
