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Protecting Elderly Parents near San Fernando from WN Virus

August 8, 2013
Elderly Parents San Fernando West Nile

Elderly Parents near San Fernando are More Vulnerable to Exotic Diseases This summer has brought with it another outbreak of West Nile virus in our area, creating grave concern for those with elderly parents near San Fernando. It’s important for everyone to take extra precautions against mosquito bites while this disease is around, but doctors say that the elderly and those with weak immune systems are in the most danger. Here are some tips for helping your aging loved ones stay healthy until the current West Nile outbreak is past. Stay Away From Bugs! Some people are confused about the... View Article

Lose Weight with the Help of Caregivers in Redondo Beach

August 6, 2013
Caregivers Redondo Beach Losing Weight

Caregivers in Redondo Beach Can Help Seniors Lose Weight Obesity is considered a near-epidemic in the United States, with the convergence of a number of negative factors that make it possible for nearly anyone to get overweight with hardly any effort. The transition from active to desk jobs; the proliferation of convenient, high-fat restaurant food; and the general focus of society on entertainment rather than a strong work ethic are some major factors. Seniors have it even harder than the rest of us, especially when they are confined to home with the help of caregivers in Redondo Beach. Beating the... View Article

Companion Care near Manhattan Beach: Phones for Seniors

August 1, 2013
Companion Care Manhattan Beach Cell Phones

Companion Care near Manhattan Beach Introduces You to an Easy-to-Use Cell Phone There are plenty of reasons for an elderly person to get a cell phone, with safety and instant communication as the primary ones. If family or companion care near Manhattan Beach are not in the house, it’s important for a senior to have a portable phone that they can keep within reach. Some cell phone companies are now beginning to tailor products for seniors, focusing on ease of visibility and use. Larger Format One of the main things that cell phone companies change about their products to make... View Article

Different Ways to Hire an In-home Caregiver in Los Angeles

July 30, 2013
In-home Caregiver Los Angeles Agency

Finding a Great In-home Caregiver in Los Angeles Can Be Difficult It’s hard enough to decide to hire an in-home caregiver in Los Angeles instead of moving your loved one to a nursing home, but after that you have an even more important decision to make. How will you find a caring, competent professional that you can trust with your senior’s comfort and safety? There are numerous options, and the following information will help you sort through them. The Danger of Abuse The primary danger in hiring a caregiver is the possibility of financial, emotional, or even physical abuse. Sometimes, a... View Article

Eldercare near Hermosa Beach Sees Less Pneumonia

July 25, 2013
Eldercare Hermosa Beach Pneumonia Reduction

Eldercare near Hermosa Beach: Fewer Seniors Get Pneumonia One of the big advantages that seniors enjoy when they hire eldercare near Hermosa Beach is a reduced likelihood that they will contract diseases. With a professional cooking meals, keeping the house clean, helping with exercise, and keeping an eye out for symptoms of illness, a senior stands a better chance of fighting off sickness before it becomes really dangerous. When it comes to pneumonia, the elderly are getting some extra help from vaccines…but not the way you might expect. Keeping Seniors Healthy Most families know that it is important to keep... View Article
