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Assistance for Elderly near Westwood Village and Background Checks

August 22, 2013
Assistance for Elderly Westwood Village Background Checks

How Important are Background Checks for Assistance for Elderly near Westwood Village? If you were looking into hiring a medical nurse to perform technical medical procedures for your senior loved one, you would probably have no problem asking about their education and other credentials. When hiring assistance for elderly near Westwood Village, on the other hand, you might not feel the need to be so inquisitive. After all, paying someone to clean the house, cook meals, and keep an elderly client company isn’t as technical—so do you really need a background check? Elder Abuse is Everywhere Seniors are some of... View Article

Dementia Training Could Help In-home Care in Westchester

August 20, 2013
In-home Care Westchester Dementia Training

Helping In-home Care in Westchester Understand their Clients Better Living with a senior who suffers from dementia (or Alzheimer’s disease) is extremely challenging. Family, friends, and providers of in-home care in Westchester all know the experience of giving a senior with dementia a very simple task to perform, only to discover that they accidentally made the situation worse than before. How can we learn to be more patient and understanding with our loved ones who are suffering from a disease we don’t understand? Finding Out How it Feels In Chicago, some medical students and nurses are getting a taste of... View Article

Earthquake Preparation for Home Care near Venice

August 15, 2013
Home Care Venice Earthquake Readiness

Home Care near Venice Can Save Lives in an Earthquake The Los Angeles area is an incredibly beautiful place, attracting tourists from all over the world each year. But those who live here know that there’s more to the region than the movie industry and incredible scenery. Within a two-week period in August, southern California experienced two earthquakes over magnitude 3.0, an illustration of just how often the ground shakes here. Senior home care near Venice includes not only cleaning, cooking, and companionship, but also a strong disaster preparedness plan. What to Have on Hand There are certain pieces of... View Article

In-home Caregivers in Santa Monica: Medicare Alternative?

August 13, 2013
In-home Caregivers Santa Monica Medicare Alternative

In-home Caregivers in Santa Monica Review Senator Paul’s Health Care Idea As they provide care for seniors each day, in-home caregivers in Santa Monica encounter many people who are concerned about the future of Medicare and Medi-Cal. How will the systems, notorious for their inefficiency and vulnerability to fraud, deal with the ever increasing number of retired Baby Boomers? A conservative U.S. Senator is proposing a creative idea that would, in theory, improve senior health care while also saving the government money. Changes Are Needed The million-dollar question in Washington today is how to trim the senior health care system... View Article

Protecting Elderly Parents near San Fernando from WN Virus

August 8, 2013
Elderly Parents San Fernando West Nile

Elderly Parents near San Fernando are More Vulnerable to Exotic Diseases This summer has brought with it another outbreak of West Nile virus in our area, creating grave concern for those with elderly parents near San Fernando. It’s important for everyone to take extra precautions against mosquito bites while this disease is around, but doctors say that the elderly and those with weak immune systems are in the most danger. Here are some tips for helping your aging loved ones stay healthy until the current West Nile outbreak is past. Stay Away From Bugs! Some people are confused about the... View Article
