Study Suggests Many Seniors Need Home Care near Los Angeles Nobody likes to be seen as a complainer. Seniors especially, aware that their declining health is shifting responsibilities onto the shoulders of family members, hesitate to publicize the trouble they may still be having throughout the course of a normal day. Researchers have suspected that this hesitation may be skewing our knowledge about just how many seniors need help with daily living tasks. Providing home care near Los Angeles, we were not surprised to learn that the majority of elderly folks could benefit from more assistance. Two Thirds are Not... View Article
Will Elder Care in Los Angeles Ever See a Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease? Those of us who watch medical research carefully see news about Alzheimer’s disease research on a weekly basis. There are many promising signs, but the sad fact is that very little overall progress seems to have been made toward finding a cure. Despite the huge profits that a company would earn with a cure or even a treatment of symptoms, elder care in Los Angeles is still watching the horizon for such a drug. Why the Slow Pace? As complex as the entire human body is, the... View Article
The Importance of Keeping Senior Care near Los Angeles Above Board Caring for a senior family member creates all sorts of challenges. In meeting these challenges one at a time, some families unintentionally set themselves up for financial and legal headaches down the road. Lawyers and advocates for senior care near Los Angeles want families to make sure that they are covering all their bases as they try to secure the best, most affordable care for their loved ones. Keep Records Even though it might seem unnecessary at the time, keep detailed records of all financial transactions. If your senior... View Article
Do Your Elderly Parents in Los Angeles Recognize Christmas Today? For many families, Christmas traditions are some of the most treasured throughout the year. Children grow up eating certain things, going certain places, and doing certain activities during the holidays, and proudly carry those traditions into their adulthood. But your elderly parents in Los Angeles could probably tell you that, despite everyone’s best efforts to keep Christmas the same, it has changed dramatically since the days of their youth. Here are a few things that—for better or for worse—we don’t see very much around the holidays. Cards and Caroling It... View Article
Awareness of LTCI Raised by the In-home Caregiver near Los Angeles Do you know what the acronym LTCI stands for? If not, you are not alone. It is a valuable piece of information, though, since it stands for “long term care insurance.” As the Baby Boomer generation approaches retirement, financial experts note how few families have taken advantage of this important tool in order to secure their senior loved ones’ later years. Here are some important facts to note about LTCI, from the in-home caregiver near Los Angeles. What Is It? LTCI is designed to cover the common but very... View Article