Story of Disaster for Seniors Saddens Assistance for Elderly in Los Angeles When a family makes the decision to leave their elderly loved ones in the care of others, they are taking a difficult step. They want to know that when they entrust their parents’ care to assistance for elderly in Los Angeles, they are going to be protected and well cared for. When that trust is broken, the result is a situation that puts seniors in real danger. A recent story out of San Jose illustrates just what could happen. Facility Shutdown Long Overdue The long-term facility in question... View Article
In-home Caregivers in Los Angeles Are Happy to Introduce Life-Saving Tool for Seniors The reality is that seniors, particularly those who are in poor health, are vulnerable to medical emergencies. Even while receiving help from capable in-home caregivers in Los Angeles, seniors can slip and fall, suffer a heart attack, experience a diabetic emergency, or be injured in some other way. When emergency response teams arrive on the scene, it’s important for them to get access to the patient’s medical records as quickly as possible. These records help them identify health risks, allergies, past incidents, and other factors that could... View Article
Family Members of Elderly Parents in Los Angeles Need Emotional Support As human beings, there is something in our nature that drives us to be strong. Of course, that is a wonderful trait, and it pushes us to do things that we didn’t even know we were capable of. In some situations, though, it doesn’t serve us quite as well. For example, it holds us back from asking for help when we are faced with a task that is truly beyond our individual capability. Those of us with elderly parents in Los Angeles know what it’s like to feel completely... View Article
Home Care in Venice Gets More Technological Forget video games, GPS-enabled smartphones, and Facebook. One of the biggest areas of development in the world of technology is senior care. Smart computer and software company owners are increasingly realizing that with a few customizations, their products can do a lot of good for seniors—and, of course, make them a lot of money at the same time. Recently, an elderly group in Florida served as a test population for devices that promise to take home care in Venice to the next level technologically. Trying Out Tools When designing high-tech devices to keep... View Article
Elder Care near Santa Monica Doesn’t Get Appropriate Attention from Investigators Elder abuse is a major problem in elder care near Santa Monica, as is obvious from the thousands of complaints that California’s Department of Public Health has received over the last few years. In fact, the Department was so overwhelmed by reports of abuse that it decided it had to take quick action to reduce the backlog. But the way officials chose to deal with the problem is shocking to say the least. Dropping Cases for No Reason Instead of increasing their efforts to address and investigate reports of... View Article