Categories for Healthy Elders

The Allergies Are Coming!

March 13, 2014
in-home Caregiver Los Angeles Allergy Remedies

The In-home Caregiver in Los Angeles Gives Allergy Advice Every in-home caregiver in Los Angeles is familiar with the trouble that spring brings to many people: watery eyes, runny noses, congested sinuses, and a general feeling of stuffiness. Allergies are a particular hassle for seniors, who often have weaker immune systems than younger folks. This spring, there are some natural prevention methods that you can try to help your loved one enjoy the blooming foliage instead of avoid it. If your senior can’t or doesn’t want to use a standard antihistamine, these options may be effective alternatives. Herbal Cures A... View Article

What is Valley Fever? Assistance for Elderly in Los Angeles Answers

March 6, 2014
Assistance for Elderly Los Angeles Valley Fever

Assistance for Elderly in Los Angeles Discusses Valley Fever Do you know what valley fever is? It may sound like a made-up term describing a longing for the great state of California, but it is actually a serious disease that targets people living in the southwestern United States. Little known by most people, the sickness is particularly treacherous for a few different reasons, and assistance for elderly in Los Angeles wants you to make sure you know how to spot its symptoms. Looks Like the Flu Many people who contract valley fever (which is carried by a fungus that primarily... View Article

Elder Care in Los Angeles Celebrates a Cute Couple

February 20, 2014
Elder Care Los Angeles Remarried Couple

Elder Care in Los Angeles Can’t Imagine a Nicer Story Than This There are plenty of senior couples who feel that the best experiences of their lives are behind them. Perhaps feeling slowed down by physical weakness or even cognitive decay, they recognize that it is time to spend more time resting and reminiscing and less time trying new things. But elder care in Los Angeles also sees elderly couples who defy this trend—just consider this story from St. Joseph, Missouri. Discovering New Love and Art Together The Watsons got married two years ago, but each of them already had... View Article

Stepping Out with an In-home Caregiver near Los Angeles

February 13, 2014
In-home Caregiver Los Angeles Social Areas

The In-home Caregiver near Los Angeles Gives Some Activity Ideas You may have seen a recent news story from New York City concerning a group of senior McDonald’s patrons. The management of the restaurant grew frustrated with the group’s all-day visits, which occupied table space and reduced the number of guests that could be served. The in-home caregiver near Los Angeles wonders: Is there a public place anymore where seniors can go to spend quality time with others their own age? For a Price The attraction of McDonald’s to the senior group in New York is its low-priced menu. For... View Article

Assistance for Elderly near Los Angeles Passes On a Mouthwash Warning

February 4, 2014
Assistance for Elderly Los Angeles Mouthwash Danger

Oral Hygiene News from Assistance for Elderly near Los Angeles If your senior loved one has a daily routine to care for his or her teeth and gums, give them a pat on the back. Studies show that a large number of seniors neglect their own dental health, leading to painful and expensive problems. But scientists are now warning that one mouthwash product might do more harm than good for some seniors. Assistance for elderly near Los Angeles brings you the whole story: Blood Pressure Concerns A group of scientists, worried about the possible effect on a common mouthwash ingredient... View Article
