Categories for Dementia

Elder Care in Los Angeles Looks Forward to Alzheimer’s Progress

December 17, 2013
Elder Care Los Angeles Alzheimers Research

Will Elder Care in Los Angeles Ever See a Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease? Those of us who watch medical research carefully see news about Alzheimer’s disease research on a weekly basis. There are many promising signs, but the sad fact is that very little overall progress seems to have been made toward finding a cure. Despite the huge profits that a company would earn with a cure or even a treatment of symptoms, elder care in Los Angeles is still watching the horizon for such a drug. Why the Slow Pace? As complex as the entire human body is, the... View Article

Assistance for Elderly near Los Angeles: Listen to Your Parents!

November 28, 2013
Assistance for Elderly Los Angeles Respecting Seniors

A Reminder from Assistance for Elderly near Los Angeles About Elderly Wisdom The adult children of elderly parents have a tough balance to strike: They want their parents to be able to enjoy their privacy and independence, but they also recognize that safety requires a high level of involvement on the part of family members. In the hectic pace that most of us maintain with work, children, and senior parents, we can temporarily forget just who our parents really are. Assistance for elderly near Los Angeles encourages you to take a deep breath and just reminisce for a moment about... View Article

Should Elderly Parents near Los Angeles Keep Driving?

November 7, 2013
Elderly Parents Los Angeles Driving Debate

The Car-Keys Debate with Elderly Parents near Los Angeles Continues You could spend the entire day reading articles on local news websites across the country, detailing accidents caused by seniors who shouldn’t have been driving in the first place. On the other hand, researchers tell us that, as a group, seniors are statistically safer drivers than many others. Your elderly parents near Los Angeles are less likely to cause an accident than teenagers with licenses hot off the press, for example. When is it time to talk to your parents about letting someone else do the driving? Reasons to Keep... View Article

Communication Tips from Caregivers in Los Angeles

October 1, 2013
Caregivers Los Angeles Talking Tips

Caregivers in Los Angeles Give Advice for Talking with Seniors A common frustration among family members of seniors is difficulty in communication. It used to be so easy to talk with your parents about any subject at all, but now it seems like you can’t even make it through a conversation without misunderstandings, tedious repetition, and lack of mutual interests. Don’t lose hope: you can still have meaningful, rewarding communication with your loved ones; it just takes some adjustment to the way we conduct conversations. Here are some pointers from caregivers in Los Angeles: Patience and Forbearance One of the... View Article

In-home Caregiver in Culver City: Music is Healthy!

September 5, 2013
In-home Caregivers Culver City Music

The In-home Caregiver in Culver City Advises Involvement in Music for a Healthy Mind Does your elderly loved one play a musical instrument? If so, he is already familiar with the many benefits that it provides. Emotionally, mentally, socially, physically, and in many other ways, practicing and performing music are incredibly rewarding activities. If he has never sat down at a piano or picked up a violin, though, it’s not too late to learn! An in-home caregiver in Culver City will tell you that learning to play is something that virtually anyone can do. Where to Start? Perhaps your loved... View Article
