Elder Care in Los Angeles Looks Forward to Alzheimer’s Progress

Will Elder Care in Los Angeles Ever See a Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease?
Those of us who watch medical research carefully see news about Alzheimer’s disease research on a weekly basis. There are many promising signs, but the sad fact is that very little overall progress seems to have been made toward finding a cure. Despite the huge profits that a company would earn with a cure or even a treatment of symptoms, elder care in Los Angeles is still watching the horizon for such a drug.
Why the Slow Pace?
As complex as the entire human body is, the brain is far more complex. Scientists are still working to understand how the brain operates, to say nothing of identifying problems and fixing them. Learning about the brain is a tedious chore, and isolating the causes and effects of Alzheimer’s disease has proven to be a seemingly endless road of trial and error. Experts seem to be coming to a consensus that amyloid beta proteins are at the center of Alzheimer’s effects, but it is still unclear where that research will end up.
A Call to Action
The Prime Minister of the U.K. recently addressed some of the world’s most powerful leaders, calling for a global effort to fight dementia. He compared dementia to the AIDS epidemic, which has received large amounts of attention, effort, and money from countries around the world. Hopefully, this call for action will result in greater collaboration, better funding, and more effective medications within the next few years.
Eldercare in Los Angeles and Alzheimer’s Disease
Our response to Alzheimer’s disease in the present is mainly centered on making patients comfortable and content. Without a way to reverse dementia, the emphasis is helping those who suffer from it feel as “normal” as possible, instead of trying to force them to fit into a world that their mind does not understand. Compassionate eldercare in Los Angeles can help families sympathize with and care for their senior loved ones who have Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of cognitive decline.