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Legal Issues with Senior Care near Los Angeles

December 12, 2013
Senior Care Los Angeles Financial Records

The Importance of Keeping Senior Care near Los Angeles Above Board Caring for a senior family member creates all sorts of challenges. In meeting these challenges one at a time, some families unintentionally set themselves up for financial and legal headaches down the road. Lawyers and advocates for senior care near Los Angeles want families to make sure that they are covering all their bases as they try to secure the best, most affordable care for their loved ones. Keep Records Even though it might seem unnecessary at the time, keep detailed records of all financial transactions. If your senior... View Article

In-home Caregivers in Los Angeles Recommend eCareID

October 22, 2013
In-home Caregivers Los Angeles eCareID

In-home Caregivers in Los Angeles Are Happy to Introduce Life-Saving Tool for Seniors The reality is that seniors, particularly those who are in poor health, are vulnerable to medical emergencies. Even while receiving help from capable in-home caregivers in Los Angeles, seniors can slip and fall, suffer a heart attack, experience a diabetic emergency, or be injured in some other way. When emergency response teams arrive on the scene, it’s important for them to get access to the patient’s medical records as quickly as possible. These records help them identify health risks, allergies, past incidents, and other factors that could... View Article

The Stress of Caring for Elderly Parents in Los Angeles

October 8, 2013
Elderly Parents Los Angeles Caregiver Pressures

Family Members of Elderly Parents in Los Angeles Need Emotional Support As human beings, there is something in our nature that drives us to be strong.  Of course, that is a wonderful trait, and it pushes us to do things that we didn’t even know we were capable of. In some situations, though, it doesn’t serve us quite as well. For example, it holds us back from asking for help when we are faced with a task that is truly beyond our individual capability. Those of us with elderly parents in Los Angeles know what it’s like to feel completely... View Article

Communication Tips from Caregivers in Los Angeles

October 1, 2013
Caregivers Los Angeles Talking Tips

Caregivers in Los Angeles Give Advice for Talking with Seniors A common frustration among family members of seniors is difficulty in communication. It used to be so easy to talk with your parents about any subject at all, but now it seems like you can’t even make it through a conversation without misunderstandings, tedious repetition, and lack of mutual interests. Don’t lose hope: you can still have meaningful, rewarding communication with your loved ones; it just takes some adjustment to the way we conduct conversations. Here are some pointers from caregivers in Los Angeles: Patience and Forbearance One of the... View Article
