In-Home Caregivers near Los Angeles Look for Better Early Tests for Parkinson’s In-home caregivers near Los Angeles know that one of the biggest frustrations connected with Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and other mental illnesses is the lack of clarity in their early stages. As seniors get older, it is easy for them and their families to stress over memory lapses and loss of physical strength, wondering if they are signs that an incurable mental disease has taken hold. Parkinson’s disease researchers believe they have found a surprisingly accurate—but also surprisingly simple—method for identifying early-stage Parkinson’s. Writing the Evidence Down... View Article
Home Care in Los Angeles Notes the Complexity of Dementia’s Development There are few life changes that confuse, frighten, and anger us as much as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. So many of us have watched, helpless, as our loved ones gradually lost their battles with these mysterious diseases, wondering how much they actually understood about what was happening to them. This week, home care in Los Angeles learned about a highly unusual essay, written by a college department head who decided to write about her own decline into dementia as long as she could. Already Experienced with Dementia The college... View Article
When You Suddenly Need Elder Care near Los Angeles Some elderly folks make a very gradual, sloping transition from independence to dependence. Family members know full well that they will need elder care near Los Angeles, and they have plenty of time to organize the efforts of the family to provide help. But in other cases, the need for care is something of a shock. Whether your parents are frail or still very active, it is a good idea to look ahead to the time that they will need constant help despite your own busy schedule. Don’t Ignore the Inevitable... View Article
Senior Care in Los Angeles Recommends Gardening An unfortunate side effect of the frailty that many elderly folks experience is that they tend to spend most of their time indoors. Staying inside has its own negative effects, including vitamin D deficiency; imbalance of melatonin/serotonin; and general decrease in muscle mass due to reduced movement. With a little thought and effort, you (perhaps with the help of senior care in Los Angeles) can get your loved one started on an outdoor, low-impact hobby that she can enjoy in the safety of her own backyard. Seize the Season As spring takes over,... View Article
American Cancer Society RELAY FOR LIFE Loyla-Marymount University March 29-30, 2014 CarenetLA is planning to participate in the American Cancer Society’s RELAY FOR LIFE event on March 29-30 (see flyer below for details). We invite all CarenetLA employees and clients who have been touched in some way by cancer to come and participate in the 24-hour event (that begins at 12:00 noon on March 29th at Loyola Marymount University). No one has to part with any money! It is just an opportunity for participation by the whole community of people who have cancer in common in some way, affecting either... View Article