American Cancer Society RELAY FOR LIFE Loyla-Marymount University March 29-30, 2014 CarenetLA is planning to participate in the American Cancer Society’s RELAY FOR LIFE event on March 29-30 (see flyer below for details). We invite all CarenetLA employees and clients who have been touched in some way by cancer to come and participate in the 24-hour event (that begins at 12:00 noon on March 29th at Loyola Marymount University). No one has to part with any money! It is just an opportunity for participation by the whole community of people who have cancer in common in some way, affecting either... View Article
Elderly Parents near Los Angeles Need More Protein Do you find it hard to keep up with the latest and greatest dietary recommendations? Even if you exclude fad diets, it seems there is always a new story about the unknown virtues of a certain food—or its hidden dangers. Is caffeine good for you? What cholesterol is good and what is bad? And do you really know what omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants are? Here is a simple recommendation for elderly parents near Los Angeles: Eat more protein! Cut Back Until Age 65 In general, U.S. citizens get a protein-heavy diet.... View Article
The In-home Caregiver in Los Angeles Gives Allergy Advice Every in-home caregiver in Los Angeles is familiar with the trouble that spring brings to many people: watery eyes, runny noses, congested sinuses, and a general feeling of stuffiness. Allergies are a particular hassle for seniors, who often have weaker immune systems than younger folks. This spring, there are some natural prevention methods that you can try to help your loved one enjoy the blooming foliage instead of avoid it. If your senior can’t or doesn’t want to use a standard antihistamine, these options may be effective alternatives. Herbal Cures A... View Article
Caregivers near Los Angeles may Get Protection from Lawmakers The term “sandwich generation” refers to those who feel sandwiched in between two major responsibilities: raising their own children and caring for their senior parents. The majority of people in the sandwich generation have another major pressure as well—their careers. Lawmakers in various states across the country have recognized that employers can be tempted to discriminate against these family caregivers near Los Angeles, anticipating that their attention may be too divided to do their jobs well. Misunderstanding Caregiving A hiring manager who hears that an applicant is a mother of two... View Article
Assistance for Elderly in Los Angeles Discusses Valley Fever Do you know what valley fever is? It may sound like a made-up term describing a longing for the great state of California, but it is actually a serious disease that targets people living in the southwestern United States. Little known by most people, the sickness is particularly treacherous for a few different reasons, and assistance for elderly in Los Angeles wants you to make sure you know how to spot its symptoms. Looks Like the Flu Many people who contract valley fever (which is carried by a fungus that primarily... View Article