Categories for Safety

Stay Cool–But Swim Safely

June 10, 2014
Caregivers Los Angeles Swimming Safety

Caregivers in Los Angeles Remind Seniors about Water Safety With another very hot summer upon us in southern California, caregivers in Los Angeles are concerned about helping their elderly clients stay cool, hydrated, and comfortable. Sitting inside the house isn’t always the best answer; a swimming pool can be a great way to benefit from the sunshine and beat the heat at the same time. It also provides much-needed exercise for seniors, keeping their arms and legs strong. Some safety precautions are in order around the pool, though. Restricted Access Even if your senior loved one has loved swimming all... View Article

It Only Takes a Second: Driving Accidents

May 13, 2014
Home Care Los Angeles Driving Mistakes

Let Home Care near Los Angeles Do the Driving The act of driving an automobile is a fascinating balance. On one hand, we become so accustomed to driving that we hardly think about each of the hundreds of choices we make during a routine trip. On the other hand, each of those choices has the potential to hurt ourselves and others if we do the wrong thing. Home care near Los Angeles recommends that you have the dreaded “driving conversation” with your elderly loved one sooner rather than later, especially if there are signs that his concentration may be suffering.... View Article

Your Home Radar Device

April 29, 2014
Elder Care Los Angeles Radar Safety

How Radar can Help Elder Care in Los Angeles Radar has always been a primarily military and commercial application. It plays a critical part in the safe operation of aircraft, and without it airports around the world would come to a standstill. A professor at Villanova University wants to take radar from the airfield to the home, where it could help emergency response units and elder care in Los Angeles respond quickly to senior falls. How Radar Works To understand how radar can benefit seniors, it helps to know a little about how it works. A radar device sends out... View Article

Assisted Living Reforms Closer to Becoming Law

April 17, 2014
Elderly Parents Los Angeles Legal Reforms

Laws to Protect Elderly Parents in Los Angeles Advance in Committee There are many elderly parents in Los Angeles who rely on assisted living facility staff members for care every day. When their adult children move them to these facilities, they take a huge step of faith: they trust the staff members to be adequately trained for their responsibilities and to use that training to protect their loved ones. Sadly, that trust is often broken, and the California state legislature is preparing to pass new laws that would impose additional regulation on the assisted living industry to help address the... View Article

What is Valley Fever? Assistance for Elderly in Los Angeles Answers

March 6, 2014
Assistance for Elderly Los Angeles Valley Fever

Assistance for Elderly in Los Angeles Discusses Valley Fever Do you know what valley fever is? It may sound like a made-up term describing a longing for the great state of California, but it is actually a serious disease that targets people living in the southwestern United States. Little known by most people, the sickness is particularly treacherous for a few different reasons, and assistance for elderly in Los Angeles wants you to make sure you know how to spot its symptoms. Looks Like the Flu Many people who contract valley fever (which is carried by a fungus that primarily... View Article
