The Importance of Keeping Senior Care near Los Angeles Above Board Caring for a senior family member creates all sorts of challenges. In meeting these challenges one at a time, some families unintentionally set themselves up for financial and legal headaches down the road. Lawyers and advocates for senior care near Los Angeles want families to make sure that they are covering all their bases as they try to secure the best, most affordable care for their loved ones. Keep Records Even though it might seem unnecessary at the time, keep detailed records of all financial transactions. If your senior... View Article
Awareness of LTCI Raised by the In-home Caregiver near Los Angeles Do you know what the acronym LTCI stands for? If not, you are not alone. It is a valuable piece of information, though, since it stands for “long term care insurance.” As the Baby Boomer generation approaches retirement, financial experts note how few families have taken advantage of this important tool in order to secure their senior loved ones’ later years. Here are some important facts to note about LTCI, from the in-home caregiver near Los Angeles. What Is It? LTCI is designed to cover the common but very... View Article
Caregivers in Los Angeles Remind Seniors to Brush and Floss! We teach our children to take care of their teeth and gums from an early age. Most of us brush every day, and some of us use dental floss and mouthwash as well. But for the elderly, taking care of oral health every day is easily forgotten or even impossible for those with decreased grasping ability. Caregivers in Los Angeles are anxious that seniors continue to enjoy healthy teeth and gums for as long as possible. All About Routine One of the keys to healthy teeth is routine. When we... View Article
In-home Caregivers near Los Angeles: Is Your Loved One’s Insurance Changing? If the senior in your life is on Medicare, you have probably breathed a sigh of relief that you don’t have to deal with changing their health insurance plan due to the Affordable Care Act. While it’s true that Medicare plans will not change, it is easy to forget that most seniors also hold insurance from private companies—and those policies might be subject to alterations or cancellation. Below, in-home caregivers near Los Angeles give you some tips on finding out just what will happen with your loved one’s insurance.... View Article
In-home Care near Los Angeles is Concerned About Medicare Enrollment There’s a strictly designated window of time between October 15 and December 7—called “open enrollment”—during which seniors can sign up for specific Medicare programs, either for the first time or to change their coverage. This process can easily be confusing under any circumstances, even with the help of a geriatric care manager or in-home care near Los Angeles. But this year, two factors are making it even harder for seniors to sign up for the coverage that best meets their needs: the recently-ended government shutdown and the rollout of the... View Article