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Assistance for Elderly in Los Angeles Shocked by Senior Neglect

October 29, 2013
Assistance for Elderly Los Angeles Elder Neglect

Story of Disaster for Seniors Saddens Assistance for Elderly in Los Angeles When a family makes the decision to leave their elderly loved ones in the care of others, they are taking a difficult step. They want to know that when they entrust their parents’ care to assistance for elderly in Los Angeles, they are going to be protected and well cared for. When that trust is broken, the result is a situation that puts seniors in real danger. A recent story out of San Jose illustrates just what could happen. Facility Shutdown Long Overdue The long-term facility in question... View Article

Medicare Enrollment Warnings from In-home Care near Los Angeles

October 24, 2013
In-home Care Los Angeles Open Enrollment

In-home Care near Los Angeles is Concerned About Medicare Enrollment There’s a strictly designated window of time between October 15 and December 7—called “open enrollment”—during which seniors can sign up for specific Medicare programs, either for the first time or to change their coverage. This process can easily be confusing under any circumstances, even with the help of a geriatric care manager or in-home care near Los Angeles. But this year, two factors are making it even harder for seniors to sign up for the coverage that best meets their needs: the recently-ended government shutdown and the rollout of the... View Article

In-home Caregivers in Los Angeles Recommend eCareID

October 22, 2013
In-home Caregivers Los Angeles eCareID

In-home Caregivers in Los Angeles Are Happy to Introduce Life-Saving Tool for Seniors The reality is that seniors, particularly those who are in poor health, are vulnerable to medical emergencies. Even while receiving help from capable in-home caregivers in Los Angeles, seniors can slip and fall, suffer a heart attack, experience a diabetic emergency, or be injured in some other way. When emergency response teams arrive on the scene, it’s important for them to get access to the patient’s medical records as quickly as possible. These records help them identify health risks, allergies, past incidents, and other factors that could... View Article

Home Care near Los Angeles: Flu News

October 17, 2013
Home Care Los Angeles Flu Shots

Flu Research Will Benefit Seniors Under Home Care near Los Angeles Influenza is no longer the widespread, deadly threat that it was early in the previous century, but it still poses a danger to the weakest members of society: infants and the elderly. The development of more effective vaccines is at the forefront of doctors’ efforts against the flu, and a new experiment provides an encouraging measure of success in that area. Higher Dosage Yields Greater Results Seniors under home care near Los Angeles should consider regular flu shots a standard part of their medical care. For some time, doctors... View Article

Video Games for Elder Care in Los Angeles

October 15, 2013
Elder Care Los Angeles Video Games

Elder Care in Los Angeles Could Boost Multitasking Skills with New Game Admittedly, not many seniors are video game enthusiasts. But with the rise of physically oriented systems like the Nintendo Wii, geriatric health experts have become very interested in the possibility of using games to stimulate aging minds and bodies. A new, simple, laptop-based game has elder care in Los Angeles fascinated with its dramatic initial results. Focusing on Multitasking The aging mind appears to lose its ability to handle multiple tasks at once. This makes it unsafe for many elderly people to cook a meal or drive a... View Article
