Elder Care in Los Angeles Could Boost Multitasking Skills with New Game Admittedly, not many seniors are video game enthusiasts. But with the rise of physically oriented systems like the Nintendo Wii, geriatric health experts have become very interested in the possibility of using games to stimulate aging minds and bodies. A new, simple, laptop-based game has elder care in Los Angeles fascinated with its dramatic initial results. Focusing on Multitasking The aging mind appears to lose its ability to handle multiple tasks at once. This makes it unsafe for many elderly people to cook a meal or drive a... View Article
Senior Care near Los Angeles Attracts Attention from State Senate California senators want to hear more about the way long-term care facilities are providing senior care near Los Angeles. Judging from several recent reports by several agencies, including the DSS and an independent consumer group, serious problems may be far more common in these facilities than the public realizes. Planned hearings in the state Senate are intended to bring some of those problems to light and impose some measures to prevent them in the future. Underreported Abuse Perhaps even more disturbing than senior abuse and neglect is the fact that... View Article
Family Members of Elderly Parents in Los Angeles Need Emotional Support As human beings, there is something in our nature that drives us to be strong. Of course, that is a wonderful trait, and it pushes us to do things that we didn’t even know we were capable of. In some situations, though, it doesn’t serve us quite as well. For example, it holds us back from asking for help when we are faced with a task that is truly beyond our individual capability. Those of us with elderly parents in Los Angeles know what it’s like to feel completely... View Article
An In-home Caregiver in Los Angeles Gives Some Pointers on Keeping Kidneys Healthy Your kidneys do a lot to keep your body running properly. Without them, the nutrients you take in would not be regulated, and the slightest imbalance could send you into serious illness or even death. Your kidneys filter out unneeded nutrients (like salt) and even harmful substances (like alcohol), discarding them in the form of urine. Doctors have noticed an increase in poor kidney health among seniors, and newly released study results confirm the fact. Maintaining Healthy Kidneys Most importantly, how can a senior protect their kidneys?... View Article
Caregivers in Los Angeles Give Advice for Talking with Seniors A common frustration among family members of seniors is difficulty in communication. It used to be so easy to talk with your parents about any subject at all, but now it seems like you can’t even make it through a conversation without misunderstandings, tedious repetition, and lack of mutual interests. Don’t lose hope: you can still have meaningful, rewarding communication with your loved ones; it just takes some adjustment to the way we conduct conversations. Here are some pointers from caregivers in Los Angeles: Patience and Forbearance One of the... View Article