Massage Could Benefit Some Seniors in Various Health Areas Family caregivers often feel that a gentle, invigorating massage is just what the doctor ordered. The stress of shuttling children to and from school, getting meals on the table, and checking up on aging parents simply melts away when a skilled massage therapist goes to work. But have you ever thought of actually taking your senior loved one along for a massage of her own? Experts in the discipline advise that a treatment could have significant benefits in a number of different areas, not to mention the general “good feeling” and... View Article
Popular Antibiotic Linked to Heart Illness Risk Clarithromycin is one of the most popular antibiotics prescribed in the U.S. today, but a new study conducted in Denmark connects in with a fairly dramatic increase in cardiac death. More study is needed to better understand the link, but the findings follow a 2012 study that identified azithromycin, another antibiotic, as a heart disease risk factor. Even earlier, in 2004, erythromycin was in the spotlight as possibly raising heart disease risk. Here’s what you need to know about the new study if your senior loved one is at risk for heart disease.... View Article
Balancing Children’s and Senior Parents’ Needs is Temporary, Not Permanent The term “sandwich generation” doesn’t refer to people born within a certain time period, like the terms “baby boomers” or “generation X” do. Rather, it refers to people who are in a certain stage of life: helping their children develop and get an education while also caring for senior parents with complex care needs. The good news, which is easy for many in the sandwich generation to forget, is that this situation is not indefinite! As sad as it is to think about, your elderly parents will pass away, and... View Article
Researchers Believe Walking Speed Reveals Alzheimer’s Disease Development As the (very) long-term process of studying, understanding, and ultimately eliminating Alzheimer’s disease continues, another effort is underway, one with more immediate benefits. This is the quest to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease as early as possible, allowing us to use what medications we have available to minimize its effects as long as we can. Several procedures hold out great promise in this area, such as analysis of certain proteins present in the brain and, more recently, using eye scans to measure response speed. These advanced methods, however, are of little use to the... View Article
Homecare At Its Best Is Just A Phone Call Away Wouldn’t you prefer to have help from an in-home care provider whose attention is focused entirely on helping your elderly loved ones continue to live independently with dignity, safety and security in the comfort of their own home ? Here, older adults and their families can navigate through the next steps in aging with expert care and advice with affordable, high-quality, non-medical, in home care from CarenetLA. Our unique eldercare process is led and managed by our CEO, Hadas Abouaf, RN, and features in-home evaluations, client choice of caregivers and careful follow-up monitoring and supervision. ... View Article