Earthquake Preparation for Home Care near Venice

Home Care near Venice Can Save Lives in an Earthquake
The Los Angeles area is an incredibly beautiful place, attracting tourists from all over the world each year. But those who live here know that there’s more to the region than the movie industry and incredible scenery. Within a two-week period in August, southern California experienced two earthquakes over magnitude 3.0, an illustration of just how often the ground shakes here. Senior home care near Venice includes not only cleaning, cooking, and companionship, but also a strong disaster preparedness plan.
What to Have on Hand
There are certain pieces of equipment that every California family should have on hand in case of an earthquake, tornado, or other natural disaster. But for seniors, there are additional concerns. If your loved one has special medical needs, make sure they have a stock of extra supplies (inhaler, prescriptions, diabetes supplies, etc.) to hold them over temporarily if they can’t get out of the house. Because a severe disaster can strand a senior in one room of the house, get a cell phone or emergency signal pendant that can stay on a senior’s person at all times.
Other Planning Details
It’s not just about having the right supplies in the house—it’s also about knowing what to do if an earthquake strikes. In the confusion of the moment, it can be very hard for a senior to stay calm and follow the emergency plan. Devise a simple plan that can be condensed into a few easy-to-remember steps, and review it frequently. Consider making large signs with reminders and emergency phone contact information that can go at the bedside and in the kitchen.
Rest Easy with Los Angeles Eldercare
One of the best earthquake safety measures for a senior is the presence of a physically able, adequately prepared Los Angeles eldercare worker in the house. Even if your loved one can’t be left alone at all, at-home care is available for up to 24 hours a day. Perhaps you live out of town and can’t get to your aging parents’ side immediately when an earthquake occurs. Just give us a call and we will check up on them until you get there.