Pitfalls of Hiring Immigrant Caregivers

Reasons to Keep Home Care in Los Angeles on Solid Legal Footing
It’s hard to go a full day without hearing a bit of news about our nation’s immigration crisis. At the moment, children who cross the U.S-Mexico border alone are in the spotlight, but there are serious problems on every front of the immigration spectrum. Although the news headlines are one thing, the debate often becomes much different when we come in direct contact with undocumented immigrants. Home care in Los Angeles is a field in which it can be difficult for people to figure out just what decision to make. Here is an explanation of just a few of the important issues that come into play when considering whether to engage an immigrant as a caregiver.
A Legal Nightmare
It’s difficult to emphasize just how many legal issues there are with paying an undocumented immigrant to provide care for a senior. From the family’s perspective, there may be many benefits: it may be the only care they feel they can afford; the immigrant clearly has experience and skill in senior care; and the personality fit between caregiver and senior may be perfect. But giving an illegal immigrant money for any service immediately puts you in grave legal danger, especially as the U.S. government increasingly targets employers instead of workers. In addition to your “employee’s” illegal residency status, there are all of the insurance, employment tax, and other employer requirements that you would have to consider even when hiring a U.S. citizen.
Deeper Problems
Even if you were never caught and prosecuted for employing an illegal immigrant, hiring such a caregiver to provide eldercare in Los Angeles could be exposing your senior loved one to incredible risk. Here are just a few possible dangers:
- Sadly, many illegal immigrants have connections to the drug trade, either directly or through family. Even if the individual is not involved in current activities, it is terrifying to imagine your senior being caught in the middle of a drug-related crime.
- On a broader level, there is no opportunity for a criminal background check when hiring an illegal immigrant. Her history will always be a question mark for you, no matter how kind and capable she appears.
- A caregiver’s illegal residency status will create a huge problem if your loved one suffers a medical emergency. Will your caregiver risk being sent back to her home country by calling emergency personnel and law enforcement to the house right away?
Legal Eldercare in Los Angeles: the Safe Choice
Fortunately, there is a choice for eldercare that is both affordable and safe. Our caregivers are all legal, insured, thoroughly trained, and employees of our company. Don’t risk legal headaches and possible physical danger for your loved one; give us a call to find out more about our compassionate caregiving services.