Putting Down Roots

Senior Care in Los Angeles Recommends Gardening
An unfortunate side effect of the frailty that many elderly folks experience is that they tend to spend most of their time indoors. Staying inside has its own negative effects, including vitamin D deficiency; imbalance of melatonin/serotonin; and general decrease in muscle mass due to reduced movement. With a little thought and effort, you (perhaps with the help of senior care in Los Angeles) can get your loved one started on an outdoor, low-impact hobby that she can enjoy in the safety of her own backyard.
Seize the Season
As spring takes over, it is the perfect time to introduce the senior in your life to gardening. Whether you start a small flower box or a vegetable plot, this project just might become a new favorite activity. Seeing her plants sprout, grow, and even bear tasty produce will give your senior a powerful feeling of accomplishment and productivity. But don’t take too much time to plan–the earlier you start planting, the better your results will be.
Tips to Remember
Even a low-key activity like gardening has some challenges. If a senior’s garden is in direct sunlight (as most gardens should be!), make sure that she has a large shade hat, umbrella, and/or sunscreen. Instead of kneeling for long periods of time, a senior should sit on a mat or low bench. If standard garden tools are difficult for frail hands to manage, consider buying specially designed tools instead.
Yard Help from Eldercare in Los Angeles
Your senior loved one will inevitably need some assistance as she tends her garden. Eldercare in Los Angeles can provide the young, strong hands that it may take to accomplish certain tasks. And just imagine the special feeling that everyone will have when a caregiver has the privilege of cooking a delicious meal using fresh vegetables from the backyard! Buy some seeds today and start a new springtime tradition with your senior loved one.
Categorised in: Healthy Elders