In-home Care in Los Angeles: Estate Questions

Considering Wills and Trusts with In-home Care in Los Angeles
If your loved one is elderly and in need of in-home care in Los Angeles, you have probably already helped him or her establish a will/trust to govern the distribution of the estate. If you took care of those details a long time ago, congratulations for not procrastinating! However, it may be time to make another visit to the lawyer’s office and review that important document to make sure it is up to date.
Life Changes
When you look back, you may be surprised at just how many changes have occurred in your family within the past few years. Children are born, property changes hands, people get married, and many other major events take place that might require changes to a senior’s will or trust. An outdated will can create confusion after a loved one’s passing, just at the time that your family needs things to be as calm and simple as possible.
Will or Trust?
Many seniors and their families choose to write up a trust instead of a will. With a trust, a senior can see his estate begin to benefit his family before he passes on, and he can enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that his wishes are being fulfilled. In many ways, a trust is also legally easier to manage. Particularly in cases where a senior is physically healthy but declining in cognitive ability, a trust can be much more effective in transferring the estate smoothly.
Eldercare in Los Angeles Stands Ready to Help
Eldercare in Los Angeles won’t be able to provide legal help as your loved one updates his will or trust, but they will be able to provide valuable support. As you add the responsibility of visiting the lawyer and studying up on the various options, we look forward to helping by keeping your senior’s home clean, safe, and pleasant.
Categorised in: Healthy Elders, Partners