Senior Care in Los Angeles Applauds VA’s Improvement

Veterans Affairs Progress is Good News for Senior Care in Los Angeles
In the United States, we seek to protect, support, and care for our veterans with the national Department of Veterans Affairs. As with any large government bureaucracy, too often there are inefficiencies, failures, and examples of treasured veterans not receiving the help that they need. But this Veteran’s Day, senior care in Los Angeles read about some good news that shows the Department’s determination to fulfill its mission to our heroes in uniform.
Fixing a Big Problem
When the media discovered that disability claims resulting from recent wars overseas were not being addressed quickly enough, it made the problem public. The prediction was that in 2013, the backlog of claims would reach its highest number ever, representing thousands of veterans who were forced to wait for important benefits. To the Department’s credit, it attacked the problem and has made significant progress—it has reduced that backlog by a third and is on track to completely eliminate it in less than two years.
Improvement Across the Board
The reduced backlog isn’t the only improvement at the VA Department. Accuracy, efficiency, and pay reforms within the department have made it easier and quicker for veterans to receive help with new claims as well as overdue ones. Eldercare in Los Angeles is thankful to see that our government is working overtime to address the needs of those who have fought overseas to protect our freedom, and looks forward to joining those efforts.
Message from Eldercare in Los Angeles: Thank a Veteran Today!
Our professional caregivers consider it a special privilege when they have the opportunity to serve veterans in their homes. After risking their lives to make our country safer, these special men and women deserve to spend their later years in comfort and safety. Veteran’s Day may be over, but never miss a chance to thank a veteran that you know for their service.