Turning Elderly Parents near Encino Into Medicare Police

How Elderly Parents near Encino Can Fight Medicare Fraud
It is absolutely staggering to consider how much money passes through the Medicare system each year. Reimbursements to doctors and facilities for medical services are made across the nation every single day, and it’s easy to see why scammers target the huge operation for fraud. By hiding behind the names and account numbers of elderly parents near Encino, for example, criminals find it relatively easy to divert some of the money toward themselves.
More Help Needed
Recognizing the need for better coordinated opposition to widespread Medicare fraud, the government has created numerous committees, task forces, and hotlines dedicated to the issue. The Affordable Care Act, in particular, will reform the program and hopefully better protect it from fraud. But experts also realize that it will take more than agents in an office to solve this problem. That’s where seniors in Los Angeles come in.
An Army of Seniors
Many believe that the best way to spot and flag Medicare fraud is at the level of each individual member. A member knows exactly what appointments and services he has received, and by looking at a periodic statement of the activity on his Medicare account, he can spot mistakes that might indicate fraud behind the scenes. To help seniors do this, Medicare has begun mailing detailed statements to members, printed in large type and simplified for ease of reading. Each senior can do his part by carefully looking at this statement and alerting officials about any irregularities.
Ask Los Angeles Eldercare for Help
A Los Angeles eldercare professional can help a senior go over this periodic report, as well as the many other bills, statements, offers, and advertisements that come in the mail. And when it’s time to pay a visit to the doctor, a caregiver can drive the senior there as well. We aim to be your partners in senior care, providing important services with gentleness and integrity.
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