Elderly Parents near Beverly Hills Can Avoid Hospital Readmission

Helping Elderly Parents near Beverly Hills Stay Out of the Hospital
When your elderly parents near Beverly Hills go to the hospital, getting them home, settled in, and on their way to recovery is no small task. But if you have ever had to take your loved one back to the hospital because of complications, you know the discouragement that a second visit creates. Because so many elderly patients are on Medicare, experts are attempting to find ways to prevent readmission and save the Medicare system a large amount of money—not to mention stress and discomfort for many seniors.
A New Idea
In New York state, a concerned group of researchers decided to put their idea to work and see what the results were. Their idea was to send social workers to the homes of recently discharged hospital patients and review their condition. Did they get the right prescriptions and keep on schedule with them? Did they have their checkup appointments established and clearly marked? Were they keeping up with rehabilitation assignments?
Great Results
Within the study group, the social workers’ efforts cut the hospital readmission rate by half. If those results could be replicated on a larger scale, the impact would be dramatic. In general, the success confirms what experts already suspected, and what family members of seniors could have predicted: it is very difficult for elderly people to keep up with a recovery regimen, especially after the grueling nature of a hospital stay. With help from caregivers, however, a full and complete recovery is much more likely.
Los Angeles Eldercare As a Solution
Los Angeles eldercare is an ideal way to help your elderly parents stick with their prescription, exercise, and doctor visit requirements following a stay in the hospital. A professional caregiver can also keep a sharp eye out for drug side effects and potential dangers in the home, like obstacles that handicapped seniors might trip over.
Categorised in: Featured, Healthy Elders