Assistance for Elderly in Encino Celebrates a Geriatrics Pioneer

Assistance for Elderly in Encino Owes Gratitude to Dr. Solomon
Although you may not recognize the name of Dr. David Solomon, if you have an elderly loved one in your life you have probably benefited—at least indirectly—from his work. On July 9, Dr. Solomon passed away at the age of 90, having made significant contributions to the field of geriatric medicine. We who provide assistance for elderly in Encino appreciate and celebrate the work of this visionary doctor.
Working in Los Angeles
After completing a stellar education in medicine, Dr. Solomon joined the faculty of UCLA. He worked at the University and at Harbor General Hospital for nearly thirty years, at which point he recognized that something was missing from the field of medicine. Although it’s hard for us to imagine today, in 1979 few medical professionals gave attention to the specific needs of the elderly.
Developing Geriatric Medicine
Dr. Solomon worked hard to draw attention to geriatrics and to the scarcity of doctors who devoted their careers to it. Over the next fifteen years, he worked with others to develop UCLA’s important Longevity Center. He was also very active in writing books and articles, encouraging his colleagues to study geriatric health more closely.
Changing Los Angeles Eldercare
The Los Angeles eldercare industry continues to benefit from the hard work of Dr. Solomon and other medical experts who pioneered the field of geriatric medicine. Today’s seniors enjoy a much higher quality of care than their parents and grandparents did, and they are undoubtedly more comfortable and safe as a result. The job is far from done—researchers continue to seek for answers to some of the biggest questions in geriatrics, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. But with Dr. Solomon’s legacy and with the help of loving family members and caregivers, seniors in LA can enjoy their years of retirement with unprecedented care.
Categorised in: Featured, Healthy Elders